International Olympiads

Philippine International Math and Science Olympics

Southeast Asian Mathematical Olympiad
Grade: 1 to 12 (2020-21)
Contest Date: Sept -Oct 2021 (To be Announced Later)
Contest Mode: Online from home.
Registrations to Open in June -July 2021

Hong Kong International Mathematical Olympiad
Grade: KG to 12 (2020-21)
HKIMO Trials – 2020-21
Location: Online from Home
Dates : Weekends in 2nd Half of May -Early June 2021.
Registrations Open Now and to close by May 9, 2021.

International Singapore Maths Competition
Grade: 2 to 6 (2020-21)
Contest is Online from home.
Contest in around May 2nd Half – May end (Over weekends)
Registrations Last Date: April 30, 2021
Registrations Closed

Asia International Mathematical Olympiad
Grade: 1 to 12 (2020-21)
AIMO Trials
Location: Online from home under remote proctoring
When: Over few weekends in May 2021
Registrations Closed

Thailand International Mathematical Olympiad
Grade: Senior KG to 12 (Current Academic Year 2020-21)
Contest will be held Online from home.
During October – November (weekends) 2020.
Registrations Closed Now.

World Mathematics Invitational
Grade: KG to 12 (Current Academic Year 2020-21)
Contest will be held Online from home.
Last couple of weekends over March.
Registrations Closed

Hong Kong International Science Olympiad
Grade: 2 to 12 (2020-21)
Contest will be held Online from home.
Contest in mid April 2021.
Registrations Closed

Hong Kong International Computational Olympiad
Grade: 2 to 12 (2020-21)
Contest will be held Online from home.
Contest in mid April 2021.
Registrations Closed
Why Global Olympiad Academy?
In these times of exponential technological advances across the globes and high competition, quality education has become the need of the hour. Focus should be on shaping the young minds to develop Critical, logical and analytical thinking known as Higher order Thinking Skills (H.O.T.s). These are going to be the crucial competencies for the future for the millennials.
Albert Einstein said “Education is not the learning of Facts, But Training the Mind to Think.”

Global Olympiads Academy has been established with the following objectives
Igniting the interest and removing the fear towards Mathematics and problem solving within our students in India. We bring International Exposure for self-analysis and motivation in form of world class global contests and learning events. We also bring the best of online learning resources for exercising and strengthening their interest in studies to improve their knowledge and intellect. This is required to equip them for the highly sought after 21st century competencies like real world problem solving and critical thinking.
International Contests Exposure: Providing best of academic and cultural exposure from the globe by bringing on-going international world class mathematical and other educational Olympiads meant for training and testing students’ problem-solving skills, as well as Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS). We recognize the vast pool of talented and intellectual students present in our country and are excited to be able to challenge them with different International competitions and opportunities.