Global Olympiads Academy brings a Math Enrichment program for younger kids (grade 1 to grade 8) for International Olympiads (ISMC, AIMO, WMI, TIMO, HKIMO, SEAMO, etc.) The program will help the students strengthen their fundamentals, application and problem-solving skills and their overall higher order thinking skills like logical and analytical thinking.
This course with Global standards (inspired by Common Core, Singapore Math and Indian NCERT curriculum) will not help students overcome fear with Math but would inculcate ownership, rigor and perseverance and most importantly liking for the Math. This will help them improve their academic performance in school and definitely in any competitive exam and lay a strong foundation for preparation of entrance exams in future.

Click on the program button below to register
Topics Covered in the Program
- Number System and Operations
- Patterns and Logical Thinking problems
- Everyday Mathematics
- Geometry and Mensuration
- Arithmetic and/or Algebraic thinking
- Combinatorics
- Non-routine problems
Topics Preparation will Include
- Problem Solving techniques and mindset
- Deep diving into the concepts and fundamentals
- Their use and application
- Non routine and word problems
- Complex problem solving using multiple concepts
- Practice of Past Papers and doubts clarification
Training Methodology
- Online Interactive lectures using zoom webinar (twice a week 1.5 hour sessions)
- Weekly assignments
- Discussions on weekly assignments
- Peer learning and sharing group
- Guest Lectures from International Math coaches
- Math Games and fun.
Duration :
- 12 Months Program – 40 Weeks – 80 Sessions – Total of 120 Hours
- 6 Months Program – 20 Weeks – 40 Sessions – Total of 60 Hours
- 3 Months Program – 10 Weeks – 20 Sessions – Total of 30 hours
- 1 Month Program – 4 Weeks – 8 Sessions – Total of 12 hours
Frequency : Two 1.5 hour sessions once a week.
Learning Groups (Batches) :
- Lower Primary (LP – Grade 1 to Grade 2) – Tuesday & Thursday: 2:00 to 3:30 PM
- Middle Primary ( MP – Grade 3 & 4) – Wednesday and Friday: 4:30 to 6:00 PM
- Upper Primary (UP – Grade 5 & 6) – Wednesday & Friday – 7:00 to 8:30 PM
- Lower Secondary (Middle School – Grade 7 & 8) – Tuesday and Thursday – 7:00 to 8:30 PM
Please Note that these schedules are not very hard and fast and at times students might have to join a class an alternate schedule as well. Also, recording of the sessions will be made available for reference.
Video recording of the training sessions will be shared to all registered participants for reference in case they miss a session via google classrooms. They can also join the other batch if they miss a session during the week.
All students can join doubts clarifications sessions related to the course on Saturday mornings for the entire academic year.
Every week new Math enrichment topics will be covered.
You can join anytime of the year in this club to learn new things and the membership is valid for 1 year. Students May Join later too and will be carried for to the next cycle for remaining topics. You can also join the classes of other Class groups if you wish, specially if you are in a grade which is now in one group and in next academic year in the next group. Each membership includes free access to our e-learning modules (with learning videos and practice assignments) for the duration of the membership (I.E. 1 year, 6 months, 3 months or 1 month based on the package selected).
On Registrations: Webinar link and schedule will be shared before the training starts. If someone misses the class or joins late / leaves earlier, the recording of the online class will be shared.
Who Should Join?
This program will be beneficial for students who are at least average in their conceptual understanding and application skills & have a strong desire to practice and learn. This program is not only for students who are participating in the International Olympiads or Competitions but for all students who like Mathematics and/or want to improve their Mathematical acumen and master their knowledge & skills. The program will help elevate interest level in the subject, improve their grades in class and also do much better in all kind of competitive Math exams.