Southeast Asian Mathematical Olympiad (SEAMO) is a unique assessment platform originating from Singapore and directed by Mr Terry Chew, the author of the celebrated book series ‘Unleash the Maths Olympian in You!’. The Singapore Maths curriculum places strong emphasis on Critical Thinking Skills as part of its 21st Century Core Competencies. Students must be able to make connections and think outside the box in order to be successful in school and in the workplace. With this vision in mind, SEAMO has grown to become the most highly acclaimed Math Olympiad competition in the region.

With papers suitable for all levels, SEAMO aims to stretch the capabilities of its candidates one bite-sized step at a time and in tandem with the school mathematics curriculum.
A reward-driven awarding structure serves to motivate candidates and eliminate the belief that ‘only geniuses can win’. As stated on every certificate,
“This certificate recognises your outstanding attitude towards accepting mathematical challenges; for representing your country among thousands from the region and beyond; and for your everlasting passion for mathematics.”
Active and dedicated participants will emerge with confidence and a robust mindset towards problem-solving, which will drive them to conquer more difficult challenges ahead.
Every SEAMO candidate is a winner.
The Southeast Asian Mathematical Olympiad is a unique assessment platform that has helped more than 50,000 students across 15 countries
achieve Global Recognition in the field of mathematics since 2016.
SEAMO Has Seen Rapid Growth Over The Past 7 Years Originated in Singapore, SEAMO’s curriculum framework and testing methods falls in line with MOE’s 21st Century Core Competencies. SEAMO’s emphasis on Critical Thinking skills, encourages students to make connections between different concepts and think out of the box in order to be successful in school and in life. With this vision in mind, SEAMO has gained popularity among schools and parents to become the most highly acclaimed Maths Olympiad competition in the region. SEAMO will be conducted in 20 countries in 2020.
- SEAMO is formulated based on the Ministry of Education of Singapore’s 21st Century Core Competencies.
- Places strong emphasis on creative and inventive thinking as opposed to technical maths skills.
- Compete against the brightest minds from 20 plus countries.
- SEAMO winners will qualify for a chance to represent their country in the Global Round of the competition (SEAMO X) where students gain global perspective by interacting with top mathematicians from other countries.
Grade/Class Sr. KG to Grade 12 (6 Differentiated papers levels K, A to F) as per the previous academic Year 2023-24
Online from anywhere (on desktop/laptop only with webcam for remote proctoring).
October 26th or 27th, 2024. You can select the options for date and time at the time of registration.
Registrations will Open by 8th July. Online Registrations Only.
Last Date of Registration: 13th October, 2024
Fees: SGD 32 or INR 2000 per student (including 1 year past paper of 2022 with answer keys) and Free Online Practice
Fees include: Access to some past papers and answer keys as downloadable soft copies.
Online exam login credentials, schedule and exam instructions will be provided by email after registrations close one week before the exam.
Registration through SEAMO website is open only for students from India.
**Please note that the Global Finals is usually conducted in the organizing body’s home country or a location / country decided by them (usually from South East Asia) and all expenses including the comparatively much higher registration fees have to be borne by the participating students. In the current times, these might be Online however since the registration fees is very high we advise parents to treat the Global Round as a different competition. Students participating in the country level first rounds will still get their awards according to their performance. Global Finals “SEAMOX” will be held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on 17-20 January 2025.
- You will receive last one year paper in your SEAMO account with answer keys on registration.
- After Registrations (after making the payment) at SEAMO website, in a week’s time you will receive an email from SEAMO with your login details where you can login and access last year’s paper with answer keys.
- You can purchase Olympiad books by authored by Mr. Terry Chew available on Amazon.in which are great resources for learning and practicing problem solving techniques used in these kind of International Olympiads.
- SEAMO has provide a series of training videos to help student prepare for this year’s SEAMO edition and reach out to potential candidates. There will be a total of 20 questions per Paper and video links will be posted on their Facebook page @seamoglobal for the next 4-weeks. Go to SEAMO Facebook page and subscribe for notifications: Click Here
- For the previous two, the training videos are also available on their YouTube channel. Click Here to Watch
- You will also get access to unlimited online practice through your SEAMO account.
- You may also join our Online Training available if you are from Grade 2 to 8 (Explore our training page).

(Country level round)
There are 6 categories/levels of Question Papers with differentiated of different difficulty level.
- Paper K – Kindergarten – For Grade/Class Senior KG/Upper KG
- Paper A – Lower Primary – For Grade/Class 1 and 2
- Paper B – Middle Primary – For Grade/Class 3 and 4
- Paper C – Upper Primary – For Grade/Class 5 and 6
- Paper D – Junior – For Grade/Class 7 and 8
- Paper E – Intermediate – For Grade/Class 9 and 10
- Paper F – Senior – For Grade/Class 11 and 12
Based on their individual grade of the previous Academic Year of 2022-23, students will be assigned the category.
Qs. Paper Format
For Paper K
Qs No. 1 to 15 – 15 Qs. – Multiple choice. 45 minutes.
For Paper A to F
There will be 25 Qs of overall 100 marks in each category levels to be answered in 90 Minutes (1 and a half hour).
- Section A – Qs No. 1 to 10 – 10 Qs. – Multiple choice – 3 Marks Each
- Section B – Qs No. 11 to 20 – 10 Qs.- Multiple choice – 4 marks each
- Section C – Qs No. 21 to 25 – 5 Qs. – Open ended – 6 Marks Each
For More details visit: https://seamo-official.org

(Final Global Round)
There are 6 categories/levels of Question Papers with differentiated of different difficulty level.
- Paper K – Kindergarten – For Grade/Class Senior KG/Upper KG
- Paper A – Lower Primary – For Grade/Class 1 and 2
- Paper B – Middle Primary – For Grade/Class 3 and 4
- Paper C – Upper Primary – For Grade/Class 5 and 6
- Paper D – Junior – For Grade/Class 7 and 8
- Paper E – Intermediate – For Grade/Class 9 and 10
- Paper F – Senior – For Grade/Class 11 and 12
Based on their individual grade of the Previous Academic Year of 2022-23, students will be assigned the category.
Qs. Paper Format
There will be 25 Qs of overall 100 marks in each category levels to be answered in 90 Minutes (1 and a half hour).
- Section A – Qs No. 1 to 10 – 10 Qs. – Multiple choice – 3 Marks Each
- Section B – Qs No. 11 to 20 – 10 Qs.- Multiple choice – 4 marks each
- Section C – Qs No. 21 to 25 – 5 Qs. – Open ended – 6 Marks Each
For More details visit: https://seamo-official.org

(Country level Round)
Candidates who rank among the Top 40% in their country in their level receives a medal and certificate.
- Top 8 % – Gold medal and Certificate
- Next 12% – Silver medal and Certificate
- Next 20% – Bronze medal and Certificate
- Rest others get Participation certificates (soft copy) only.
All Candidates who have participated in SEAMO will be eligible to join SEAMO X. SEAMO X 2025 will take place in KL, Malaysia from January 17 to January 20, 2025.
The Top 40% of Candidates in SEAMO, who won medals, will be registered in the Champions Division of SEAMO X.
The Next 60% of Candidates in SEAMO will be registered in the Open Division of SEAMO X.
For More details visit: https://seamo-official.org

(Final Global Round)
Champions Division
- Top 8 % – Gold medal and Certificate
- Next 12% – Silver medal and Certificate
- Next 20% – Bronze medal and Certificate
- Remaining 60% – Merit medal and Certificate
Open Division
The Credit Medal and Certificate will be presented to each candidate in this group.
For More details visit: https://seamo-official.org
Terry Chew B.Sc. is the first author in Singapore to publish a Maths Olympiad workbook series since 2007. The series ‘Unleash the Maths Olympian in You!’ is still being used as the Gold-Standard across Southeast Asia today. He is also the author of ‘Wicked Mathematics’, which helps mainstream maths students achieve an A* for the PSLE by equipping them with essential problem-solving strategies and tools in 28 lessons. His books are used in over 8 countries (Singapore, Malaysia, Australia, Indonesia, India, Vietnam, Philippines and the USA) and translated into over 3 languages. He also appears in international media due to his unique teaching methodology – The RA*CE Framework.

Math Mastery Online Series
The Math Mastery Online Series is a FREE training programme that focuses on preparing you to solve critical thinking math problems that will be tested in the upcoming SEAMO 2023 competition.
All you have to do is LIKE their Facebook page to be notified when the lessons begin.
Preparation Material (e-books) for SEAMO from SAP (Singapore Asia Publishers)
We have tied up with Singapore Asia Publishers (SAP) for making SEAMO preparation material like past papers set and Terry Chew authored Singapore Olympiad book series etc. available for students from India from their e-book store. Students and parents can buy those resources at a discounted price using our exclusive Promo Code and get limited duration access of 1 to 2 years on their e-book app called YooBook. After the purchase, you will receive the login details of your YooBook account on your email id from where you can access the book. You will require to download the YooBook application and the instruction to do the same will be included in those emails. Please ensure that ‘s you check the YooBook logo on the product page to confirm that its an e-book and not a physical book as the publishers do not ship to India.
On clicking the ‘Buy Now’ button you will be taken to the SAP Group website to complete the purchase.

Math Olympiads Preparation books including SEAMO past papers

SEAMO Past Papers
Preparation e-books

All Math books including Olympiads Preparation Resources (Primary Grades, Grade 1 to Grade 6)

All Math books including Olympiads Preparation Resources (Secondary Grades, Grade 7 onwards)

Self Learning Resources

Online Trainings


Self Paced Online Courses
Watch this space for updates.

The best Math Olympiad books available at discounted rates through our partnership with SAP.
Global Olympiads Academy brings a Math Enrichment program for younger kids (grade 1 to grade 8) for International Olympiads (AMC, AIMO, TIMO, WMI, HKIMO, SEAMO,PIMSO,AMC 8, Gauss, etc.) The program will help the students strengthen their fundamentals, application and problem-solving skills and their overall higher order thinking skills like logical and analytical thinking. This course with Global standards (inspired by Common Core, Singapore Math and Indian NCERT curriculum) will not help students overcome fear with Math but would inculcate ownership, rigour and perseverance and most importantly liking for the Math. This will help them improve their academic performance in school and definitely in any competitive exam and lay a strong foundation for preparation of entrance exams in future.

Learning Groups (Batches)
- Lower Primary (LP – Grade 1 to Grade 2)
- Middle Primary ( MP – Grade 3 & 4)
- Upper Primary (UP – Grade 5 & 6)
- Lower Secondary (Middle School – Grade 7 & 8)